Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Guild Wars 2 PVP core: three server Battle magnificent scenes

"Guild Wars 2" PVP system completely subvert the PVP mode, pay more attention to the interaction and cooperation with competitive, while the core essence PVP system is the world's on the world the war, (referred WvW or WvWvW), the three servers explorers in the same map to compete for awards and expand the brutality of the battle.

Tyria world explorers To participate in WvW, you can press [B] the key open WvW interface

The entering WvW need to wait in line, and can only wait in line on a map.

If the explorers in the queue waiting for an WvW map into a new WvW map, the new map is not at full strength, the explorers remain are waiting in the queue, and join this new map.

If the queue waiting for an WvW map, explorers trying to join the queue of of another full WvW map, asked to confirm the new queue will receive. If you choose "No" remain in a queue, if the election is "will exit the first queue and join them to the second queue.

The need to keep up his comrades into the map, with the co-operation, or go to the supply point of the opponent's attack trouble, or to participate in large-scale team battles. Single action had little effect and is likely to encounter the enemy to surround and annihilate, if the team needs to build siege equipment, supplies need to be carried on the body.

WvW most tragic, especially in the battle, regardless of the offensive or defensive side, are required to pay a painful price.

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