Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The skills and equipment collocation of Juggernaut brush map

White hand, I understand: the collocation of skills and equipment

I'm not good at data analysis, not to mention the skills and equipment data.

First of all, as a weapon master proficient understanding of all kinds of weapons is a must.

1. Lightsaber proficient: civilians white hand majoring proficient lightsaber where ghost with the last pick of strange unlimited floating even lightsaber main advantage is that the number of attacks.

Majoring dagger and lightsaber, and weapons are also low strengthened, so a sense of power can rely lightsaber damage increased output equipment with goshawk three sets a number of times and the Raptors, elegy, if the primary repair lightsaber or sword, recommended to draw his sword, the power sets.

Can sense electricity skills: even thrusting, drew out his sword and cut, and the Raptors, and a sense of electrical damage can be superimposed village many large research I will not mention God.

2. Sword Mastery: Tyrant white hand majoring proficient, high strength Sword drew out his sword, 999999, the Sword of the advantage of instant attack force;

And flow to the heart liters damage is also very impressive, equipped with draw his sword, the power of the sleeve is the preferred!

3. Dagger mastery: the current version of the the dagger mastery main advantage of the wind stream the heart stab and sword dance;

Dagger stream heart stab injury, but many of my friends are not used to flow to the heart thorn keys or broken strokes heart thorn in the flow of operations, resulting in few insist.

Adhere dagger proficient white hand from GF3.5 start as a skilled use of stream heart the thorn can save a lot of brush time, especially on the civilian players, a 0 rage can hit 999999 damage .

Said here about the flow heart thorn in the key sequence: first lightsaber even thrusting a strange sense of power (and even thrusting multi-stage attack can also trigger passive awakening), and then press X (X click stream heart time when change dagger), immediately press Z, the last X-closing strokes.

4. Proficient blunt : personally feel blunt advantages of shock wave damage in certain skills, the overall advantage is not obvious, not recommended majoring blunt.

5. Proficient Tachi: Tachi obvious advantages, but not as good as in the output aspect other proficient recommended minor Tachi.

Secondly, the choice of the skills.

1. passive awakening: you white hand to school full passive awakening; especially stacks up to 10 times the passive the awakening the convection heart thorn harm is a greatly improved.

2. flow heart: Soul Calibur will flow heart is a good white hand

The forced flow heart canceled, double flash of blue boxing horizontal push takes a long time to practice, practice makes perfect.

Here to talk about the methods to improve the flow heart stab damage: Skills: stream heart tattoos, stream heart mad full dagger mastery (a short fine seemingly increased 0.5% damage), passive awakening EX flow heart thorn (not out). The (contract best) equipment: worms chain (directly enhance the stab damage), goshawk 3 (to directly enhance thorn injury), true pig Belt (upgrade broken strokes injury) rage dagger (upgrade 20% crit damage), the the yellow dragon Assembly left slot (to be tested), ancient (not out) properties: strength, is strong.

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