Wednesday, November 7, 2012

DNF red-eye players homemade moving bricks experience

I move bricks are in pursuit of the war of annihilation king level. Simple reason authorize soon to get rich quickly, usually in a day number 1.5 million easily, I do not list a specific formula, now a lot of players are sent, no meaning, I brush here are with 600 colorless other wholly without, so you can simply see myself one day harvest.

The brush conditions simple 70 devil, of course, the other number can also just brush effect, I loke half a of a No. 1 and a half hours to solve, why they say the devil best.

Devil recommended equipment, fake purple and outsider sets:

False purple: Select strength, crit is the best.

Outsider sets: selection of 45 skills or anger Wrath of God! The brush map very giving power, a 45 skill BOSS basically no blood.

The below said under a single number of friends a month earn a maximum of two hours per day, the monthly income of no less than the 40 million. This varies from person to person, a No. 1 about 50 million. A lot of players would say exaggerated the point, why is 40 million?

1. Basic daily brush map kept at 1.5 million, at least 35 million a month.

2. Chase boss card, our region at least 2.8 million a month at least reported 2? Least a 5 brush, sometimes one day two, really, it is recommended to go to the line that others do not brush map brush, easy to burst, and that line on her own.

3. Black suppliers. Crystal, salamanders do not have to explain, must not be less than 2 million. There is a brush elite monster card is a good thing to get rich, I 30 cans a day, almost no pressure, because there are a lot of black business 100 gold. So simple a number of basic 4000 without pressure.

I DNF experience to make money with the smell:

I play four years, playing the number is estimated more than 10 full level brush playing 30 votes, many sold the basic one number is around 37 days! Eat any PL drugs, but every day is absolutely the brush playing PL with 45 towers, so is making money Road, just to see what he wants. Share experiences, and we went to see.

Moving bricks: the previously explained.

2. Common account: 16 No. brush 1 king Figure a day to make money really fast, my friends every day to play only the common account, the basic monthly income of billions of dollars, specifically did not practice, but know how to do a day to send the West Coast golden girl, what 25-40 grade equipment, bought all come auction, it is marketing, in particular, only a few sets of crit, attack speed sets marketing, brush Figure common account is needed, so a black business equipment thousands, lost up to 100K so stress-free and cost-effective than doing drawings.

3. legendary cheap to buy high-priced to sell, I do two weeks, and not get on. I was doing, received an extraordinary adventurer soul, about two weeks to make 7 million, but it is really tired, are basically looking at the auction, eat stared at, and money good things, are listed on the auction 1 gold accept that you made.

4. On a common gaming house: needs a lot of money when gambling optimistic about others bet, it is best to make a record, a lot of fish in troubled waters, I cheated many times, as well as attention to large customers betting on the best weigh, do not See more money on closing.

Advice: stay away from Kelly. Ke Lunde. Away from the explosion pink explosion SS directly to the interface to play if you are not rich, "direct delete it".

I hope we do not spend a penny can buy fashion, buy pink.

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