Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Individuals? Team? Interests? Dragon Nest "Angel" tip

Recently, in the forum often seen a lot of praise dragon configuration, forbidden 50S the PVP ban Occupational posts, I recently read a book called "Angel" tip, it is the former Soviet writer Germany masterpieces Rouge Kafelnikov (later changed to U.S. citizenship), mainly about the "lie";, I borrowed some plot within the book to talk about their own ideas.

NO :1 - hero?

"We do not need the reported behind-the-scenes people how to work hard, our newspaper described as long as he praised his people to follow his example, imitated him to do." - "Angel on the point of a needle."

Primary school to university, our textbooks will always be the "hero" of the figure, the textbooks always guide us learn to be like a "hero"; primary school to university, our school always look at test scores, always the best left out; primary school to university, our parents always require test scores always call us to learn the a neighbor high score of children, away from the low-scoring students - this is the "hero" mode.

Today, we meet in the game, the "hero" of the seed germination discrimination today.

A group of people began to use "lie" to deceive the majority of players, they created the word "standard configuration" let others think that if there is no "standard configuration" play Dragon Green Dragon is feeding the dragon; lie "repeated a hundred times is the truth - the players have to keep using this" standard configuration "to challenge the lair and found that it is actually relatively easy clearance; slowly" standard configuration "career alienated, slowly discrimination then slowly disappeared.

Before, many people see the bow and arrow T, they felt bow no output "get in the way" - in fact, this is the concept of "hero" prominent "standard configuration" When people accustomed, if there is other than enter, "With 'get in the way' would hinder my output." This is a real reaction in his heart.

Psychological reaction of the "hero" of a wide variety of behavior can be reflected, to cite some examples below:

1, PVP ban occupational forbidden skills - Now, in addition to the alchemists card Carly damage is too high, the cross BUG three operators to improve them, the other so-called cut, but also on barriers some performance, they require "perfect" to express themselves, not others "get in the way" and not to "get in the way".

2, I sent a post to air their grievances, many priests, said: banner cure logo chasing assault soldiers milk; own calling to one side to increase blood press F1, and then to increase the blood of children ran in the opposite direction, etc. some words, people who rushed to the front of other human services all have to tie him.

3, praise dragon standard - I have read many such posts, inside the so-called "standard configuration" basically copied from the Green Dragon past.

This performance is the hero of the "heroes" - "Hero" psychological, is the lack of responsibility, the responsibility can be divided into two; course some is that some people with ulterior motives.

NO :2 - responsibility

"Pure lies, not blending a hint of the truth, because the truth hamper like before blindly believe." - "Angel on the point of a needle"

At home without cleaning, no cooking, no laundry, no money, "score" the purpose only; movie hero even if all of the buildings on the planet are destroyed, as long as the bad guys destroy a monster is to complete the task - "Hero" is not required to be responsible.

However, in the game "Heroes" can be no fear? "Hero" can a person into the dragon lair it?

Sorry, to comply with the rules of the game, and responsible for own teammates.

Responsibility can be divided into two types, I illustrate it here, it will understand the simple (non-black career):

A responsibility: what you should do.

1, Once, I opened The Dance play little green with the Highlands, God of War 4 off when Raytheon with a miracle, to the last 4 1 5 off onto two blood Callahan, when Command (Cross ) said: "imperial sword, when you start a Callahan blood immediately put Highland." 8 people close to the Callahan close output; routine black hole when entering a blood, immediately drifted 5: Alchemy, Magic, Raytheon, ice Ling, God of War.

The command asked: "how I Only You (sword Wong) Highlands.

"They are blood less likely to die."

"Do not Luanche everyone close to the output, you have to put the bad, blame others less blood." Command immediately interrupted his words.

2, a time I used the popularity of wearing a 60A1 level +8 armor play hell Ph.D.; and Dr Paladin team said before I pull BOSS, and then twice in a row, Ph.D. in the air moments before smashing down (not to 1 sec) in the air, turned to me, and I did not react naturally drifted.

Immediately asked him: not pull? Pull me on other kinds of play.

He said: I'm sorry, I just Guzhe beat the dog did not notice.

The second responsibility is: you should be "back"

Mentioned in the previous section, the embarrassment and frustration of priests here do not say, just want to mention how, when blood residue does not back it? Really is the "hero"? In the game, an NPC said the sentence for two years, after listening to so many times not fathom what it means? - want your adventure living longer, we must know how to distinguish between recklessness and courage - Of course this is just a game, there are a variety need to select "Back", is also a reality.

The responsibility is shared, not bear, and should train technology, familiar lair copy of, have to learn to think about how to do better, but also learn to review where doing a good job, but also do a good job and equipment.

Equipment is only a tool, the creators of the game have never said that novice equipment can not be used to play any of the dragon, but is responsible for his teammates and improve fault rate, the enhancement of their own capacity is necessary, but not just parroting often lies fabrications, but also the next section - Businessman someone with ulterior motives.

NO: 3 - businessman

Order career, his own father denounced, also published a statement from the relationship with his father. "

"Whether the world what is subscribe read, we are here as usual."

"Angel" tip

The biggest killer businessmen to do business is a lie.

Businessman exactly know how to use the "hero" of the children psychological preparation lies, only the "standard configuration", occupational discrimination equipped discrimination, PVP ban Occupational & skills.

Lie repeated a hundred times is the truth - When people believe more and more and more people to do in accordance with the "lies" the greater interests of businessmen get.

Assuming Tsan Dragon Green Dragon "standard configuration", also Sage, priests, Magic, ice Ling, Ares five career, the other three positions can be ignored clearance reward is concentrated in five career.

Equipment out twice a week, not many - some would propose. But do not forget the eight businessmen to do business location is definitely one of us, and now send so many skip a grade No. SD, which businessmen will be few?

"Standard configuration" - the birth of the word is in order so that resources are concentrated in five career even less professional!

First, the "standard configuration" within the players need to be equipped to play the better, it is certainly to the businessmen to buy equipment.

Secondly, the players outside the scope of the "standard configuration" in order to be able to compete for scarce certainly want to businessmen to buy equipment.

Then, when everyone went to had the latest eight people nests (hard case) when merchants with another lie to cover up and let the "standard configuration" to continue to develop - that is, output & survival "is" occupational discrimination and equipment discrimination.

Lair currently based on the most popular equipment designed another direct point of saying: Green Dragon (hard case) in 50A2-level design, the typhoon (including Hell) Dr. in 50S2 level design.

We can seriously think Recall that not a lot of discrimination 50S2-level posts (thank the moderators for the Suppression of the time of this post appears focused on just getting 60A2 grade the first 10 days, or more), then the purpose of all discrimination wind blowing a force not do 60A equipped people to buy the finished product to buy materials. This is discrimination against the so-called "equipment.

Class discrimination and PVP ban vocational & skills in fact, is about the same, meaning that let you play another career. You want to leveling the need to equip the full level of the need for better equipment, and then engage in equipment for your beloved class.

1 comment:

  1. "We do not need wizardry gold the reported behind-the-scenes people how to work hard, our newspaper described as long as he praised his people to buy wizardry gold follow his example, imitated him to do." - "Angel on the point of a needle."
