Monday, November 19, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" the Lost Shores new copy of fog of debris Guide

The Lost Shores updates, add a copy of the fog of debris. And some copies of the previous fog of debris from the the multiple small copy of the clearance progress of the system. Specific content before you can view the introduction: "Guild Wars 2" the dungeons copy of the new system: fog of debris. This introduces in the new copy of the skills and the important details of the treatment.

1. Form your team

Before you enter the copy, you must form a complete five-person team. All teammates must be confirmed by the captain of the difficulty of into the fog debris copy of the entry in the debris of the lion arches.

2. Copies of difficulty

The upper-right corner of the screen displays your current copy of the difficulty. Every time you complete a full clearance cycle (3 microdebris module), the difficulty will increase one level, this difficulty will continue to rise no upper limit.

Some situation will occur due to the difficulty of continuing to strengthen. Not just the situation can be expected to, such as: BOSS difficulty will become increasingly large, but more will also environmental factors. For example: a long downhill trail in volcanic terrain, players need to avoid many of combustion boulder. With the rise of the difficulty challenging settings produce more ADD small monster.

When you complete a few more difficult if your team is restructured, a copy of the difficulty of restrictions will change, this will be your teammates difficulty progress control.

3. Mistlock Lookout

After entering the fog of debris a copy, you will first reach Mistlock Lookout, where will you rest camp, there will be team rest businessman. : Repair, trading, decomposition.

In the center of this region, there is a blue portal, once you rest and ready to start a copy of challenge, the captain can enter this portal, and then his teammates will receive a confirmation box, can issue a confirmation box ready signal and view other teammates state of preparedness. Once everyone is ready, you will be assigned to a random fragments.

4. Copies of cycle

Unlike the other copy of the copy of the 3 mini random debris into a run cycle. Once you have completed a cycle, you will get a trophy, and start another cycle.

Third of debris has been completed, you will be transferred returned to Mistlock observation deck, you can rest the team. After that, you can continue to enter the portal to the challenge. Each cycle takes about 15-30 minutes for clearance, this time will depend on your team with a copy of difficulty.

5. Debris barriers

And the other copy of debris copy will not contain a resurrection point can be activated. But each of you to complete a stage will unlock an invisible point in the record.

The records point to restore downed teammates, when each downed teammates will stay in state lying corpse until they are resurrected, or group off the team record points resurrection.

6. Relics debris

A new copy of currency, called Fractal Relics. After the completion of each copy, the chest will produce of five heritage debris and additional trophy.

Heritage debris can be purchased from merchants Mistlock Lookout equipment can also be used to synthesize.

They sell jewelry, parcels and 20 grid. guild wars 2 gold

Dessa's Experiment Journal consumables, will get skill points. This will be your production mysterious forging material important to get the means.

1 comment:

  1. A new copy of currency,Darkfall Unholy Wars Gold called Fractal Relics. After the completion of each copy, the chest will produce of five heritage debris and additional trophy.

    Heritage debris can be purchased from merchants Mistlock Lookout equipment can eve isk also be used to synthesize.
