Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The chief designer talk "Guild Wars 2" Fractals of the Mists copy improved

Guild Wars 2 chief designer Isaiah Cartwright recently published a blog post, talked about the changes on Fractals of the Mists is about to usher in a copy:

In Fractals of the Mists copy a player because of dropped calls can not re-enter the copy, will give his team a lot of problems. Our new system will allow players to re-link to his team, we understand this situation makes the player feel frustrated, very sorry this fix such a late arrival.

We also made some changes on the players level restrictions. Difficult for players to join a team restrictions, the difficulty of the team and the lowest integral players control this setting makes low integral players to group into a team, so we make changes. Allow any integration level players to the team, the team will be able to select any difficulty, as long as it does not exceed the most difficult of the team. Upon completion of the challenge, all the players will improve a difficulty level, all players will be higher than the difficulty level of the copy activities Kama reward but does not raise the maximum level of difficulty, below a copy of the selected difficulty level players will receive their own copy of the difficulty level of reward.

For example:

Players 1 (level 2)

Players 2 (level 21)

Players 3 (level 21)

Players 4 (level 21)

Players 5 (level 53)

Captain of the copy of the level is set to 21, so after three copies of fragments, a copy of all players level should:

Players 1 (level 3)

Players 2 (level 22)

Players 3 (level 22)

Players 4 (level 22)

Players 5 (level 53) (still 53, but there are additional Karma as an incentive to help others complete copy)

Our goal is to be able to play games together, reducing the limit of the player's team. The program will be launched at the end of this month.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" not so good, media cited the game's five largest defects

Guild Wars 2 September this year after the sale operations in Europe and North America, won the praise of many media outlets, the majority of the media is rated as the best online games of the year 2012, the famous American Time magazine as annual Top 10 TV games first. And it's not just the media side of the story, most players do think that many of the details in the game is very sincere, from the artistic creation of the game, the game mechanics, to the flexibility of the game. Of course, each game has its drawbacks at even the "Guild Wars 2" is no exception. Recently, the foreign one game media will "Guild Wars 2" exist some shortcomings enumerated out.

· Role description is not detailed enough, lack novice navigation

The character creation process is very gorgeous game character editor, players can create any shape in accordance with their own imagination game characters. But when the players joy into the game, they will know what to do. The role is very beautiful, I want to, but I can do it in the game? Very confused. I figure the talent for which weapons? I do not know. Which treatment skills more suitable for me? I do not know. If I want to increase the DPS, my talent should be alike better, or single repair a good? Unclear.

Novice players entering the game, you need some basic guidelines to tell which direction development is correct. Rather than to the full level than their own several times higher DPS of other players in the same career did he realize, under a copy to team up with other players.

Dynamic events will not achieve the role of alternative tasks

Experienced dynamic event for the first time, will feel very exciting, very shocked. But if you experienced a dynamic event once or several times, then lost the first freshness. Especially when you want to end the last several tasks in an area, in order to achieve the level of demand to enter the next area, dynamic event has occurred. At this time, your situation will be very embarrassing, to do or not do? After you have experienced the dynamic event, so again completed will not reward you with experience. If not, you but need to wait a long time until the event ends.

Furthermore, some dynamic event trigger condition is really tangled. Either need to complete a series of tasks in order to trigger, or the need to reach the upper limit in the number of triggers. If you can not meet these two conditions, and some dynamic event, from start to finish are not experienced. Do not is that you suddenly found a dynamic event is taking place, so you rush to the fastest to occur, but when you feel the scene, the incident has ended. This feel very helpless.

· Upgrade regional flow problems

Other online games, such as "World of Warcraft" When you finish all the tasks of a region, you have to upgrade the area, down to a level higher backdrop At the same time, you can also enter this area should reach the required level. "Guild Wars 2" in the case, is not the same. Even if you reach 50, you come back to a level 10 upgrade the area, you can still run into challenges drywall experience rewards. Some players will say, this is not nice? When I rose to 30, and then enter the Level 20 regional upgrade, would become very simple? This is indeed the case. But this time will we face another situation, which is equipped to keep up with level your worn equipment level is always low. When you reach the full level, you may find that the equipment is still stuck in the 40's era. To exchange equipment karma (for reward) and equipment merchant segment in every corner of the world. You need to go to a different level of regional collection karma, and find the corresponding businessman, in exchange to match with the level of equipment. In short, "Guild Wars 2", the lack of a better power to stimulate the players to migrate to a different region of the upgrade.

· Background story is not convincing.

The game media abroad more than once pointed out, "the story of Guild Wars 2" show the way poor, caused partly because of this situation is due to some good game dubbing fragment, some bad. Without a good part of the drag on the overall voice level.

In addition, the characters rich enough emotional expression of some unexpected narrative process. You can each do 10 tasks, the main quest story content will be changed greatly, close enough contact between before and after. The task process always emerged the new faces NPC, rather than a fixed faces are already familiar with the NPC around you. This will make you feel even NPC are dead, you will not have any emotional upheaval.     guild wars 2 gold

·Handicraft system extremely confusing

"Guild Wars 2" arts and crafts can be said, is a collection of handicraft system in "Final Fantasy 14" before the revision shortcomings and mistakes. Let's say you need to do a needed items before you get finished, you have to get 4,5 other transition items recipe, then this 4,5 items do, in order to meet the synthesis of these the condition of the items. At this time, however, the most serious problems emerge, "Guild Wars 2" crafts system the final synthesis process is random, the ability to synthesize the items you want to see the luck.

"World of Warcraft", for instance, to produce low-grade goods, can more or less get some upgrade experience. "Guild Wars 2", however, the production level is 20 or lower-level items, is unlikely to let your skills rose from 21 to 22.     GW2 gold cheap

In addition, the same with the "World of Warcraft" and "Final Fantasy 14" handicraft system, the handicraft system in Guild Wars 2 per liter level, you have to produce a very large number of items, many of whom are a lot of rubbish and useless objects, The overall upgrade process is only the latter than the former two and even longer, more costly.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Q&A on December 19-20,cannon tier 10 plan completed

 - regarding the issue that when a slow tank gets its engine damaged, which might prevent it from actually returning to prevent capping in very hilly maps, such as the Dragon's ridge: "Don't go far from your base. Play according to the properties of your tank."

  - the amount of rocking over uneven surfaces in 8.2 is okay (it's known to developers, not a bug), it's not planned to introduce the option to switch it off. The "rocking" is server-calculated and it's not possible to remove it in sniper mode specifically,

  - Q: "How do I protect myself from idiots who push me?" A: "Don't play online games in general"

  - on the question whether there will be more "country" maps (with agriculture thematics, fields, orchards etc.): "Apple orchards can now be seen on the Lakesville map. With the corn it's worse. Did you look for the pumpkins on the Highway map? Oh and on Malinovka, the agricultural theme is also normally introduced"

  - no "short term loans" of gold for credits are gonna be implemented

  - dead tanks (eg. players in post-mortem mode) have zero spotting ability - when dead, you only see what your teammates see

  - the M10 Panther armored sheets (the ones that make the Panther look like the M10) have 0 thickness in game (eg. no armor at all), because in real life, they weren't made of armor steel

  - German TD Nashorn in the 1st half of 2013? "Read the first post of this thread" (SS: equals "no comment")

  - Q: "I'd like the ignore list to be extended, do you have that in your plans?" A: "I'd like the players to read the previous answers, do you have that in your plans?" (SS: the answer is still "no")

  - tanks are renamed "for the sake of realism and preception" (eg. so the names are easier to read and recognize), the renaming will stop "when it's done"

  - it's possible the option to select the displayed camo for a tank in the hangar will be introduced (if the tank has more camo schemes bought)

  - regarding the bigger maps (with 30v30 teams) in developmentit's not yet decided whether the teams will be really 30v30

  - the frontal thin part of the hull of the AT-15 with cca 20 degrees angle (the part on which the transport fixture for the gun is situated) is 76,2mm thick

The prolonging of the arty branches to tier 10 is already planned (and we count on the fact that it should help nicely). However, because there are vehicles that we have almost

  no info about and because we have to write converters for tier to tier tank transfers, it's not as simple as it would seem. I think we can do it by summer. And until then, there will be arty nerfs and limits on the arty matchmaker. First there will be the MM limit and then there will be nerfs, because testing of the vehicles takes a long time. Currently the changes of the arty matchmaker are being worked on and tested. Details will come later with an announcement.

  Q: "Does that mean there will be a hardcap?"

  A: "With the introduction of the temporary (balance changes) technology, we'll rebalance everything. I think that's understandeable."

  Q: "So, if this rebalance works, there won't be a nerf?"

  A: "There will be a nerf. It's already planned"

  - Q: when will the tanks thrown out of the ingame shop be available back for buying? A: I can't answer that.

  - Q: Players want everything(golden) for credits: premium account, premium tanks, consumablesm, A: Won't be implemented

  - 7 vs 7 companies are in development

  - there won't be a statistics reset for gold

  - arty tier 9-10 expansion: scheduled for the mid 2013, otherwise when it's done it's done

  - there will be a hardcap of 2-5 arties per team, the superfluous arty will be queued, there is a nerf coming for arties in one of the following patches - (the plan is that) there will be less arty in hightier battles, more in mid tiers.

  - there will be some physics improvement (when it's done it's done), namely: turret flying off, tank being able to be tipped over, independend suspension, more spectacular destruction of buildings and objects

  - Komarin and Swamp will return next year, Pacific coast will be reworked,

- 30v30 battles not next year

  - Soviet Georgian, Estonian, Kyrgistan crews: when it's done it's done

  - Chinese TD's and arty: it's being researched, ETA - possibly the end of next year

  - the order of introduction (without the dates): Chinese, British TD's, Leopard 1 and its med branch

  - Assault mode was switched off by a LOT of people, the meeting engagement by cca 5 percent. There will be garage battles and historical battles, but so far only the concept is developed

  - there will be no Sturmtiger in 2013

  - after the Chinese, the sounds of shell impact on tank will be reworked

  - World of Warships is looking very good

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Guild Wars 2 character equipments Preview system will return

With the Winter Veil update patch, equipment Preview system quietly changes, you will not be able to preview the equipment of the players in the chat window link directly, you're still upset equipment change preview system not used without careful officials said the system will soon return, delete just to address and improve some functionality issues.

The official said it is working to do an overall improvement of equipment Preview system, this had to temporarily disable certain functions. Equipment preview system with the update patch will soon return to a previous state.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Official serialized "Lily's Travel Diary 10": TownLong steppes

I heard a story, said that hundreds of millions of stones built Dragon's Ridge.

Exactly. Hundreds of millions.

I thought this is just insane and crazy language, but when I personally stand on the top of the Great Wall, and witnessed by the majesty of this huge city walls, I have come to believe that part of the legend. Dragon's Ridge extends from north to south is like a winding serpent, shuttling between the peaks and ridges, until the head beyond the other side. Great Wall on top very wide, even if a good few the oxcart parallel through time, plump the Pandaren can also walk through unimpeded. Some of the walls see recent repairs, building stone is cut flat and smooth. By comparison, the old city walls seem old and rough, the nature of baptism and the old war has left scars of years on these stones.

I have a dream come true board the Dragon's Ridge recall came here to spend time and effort all worthwhile. According to Chen Shushu arrangements, a refined messenger called the land of fish tail with my left Kunle mountain through a guard tower. When we finally landed on the wall, I suddenly understood the care and thought the Uncle Chen arrange this tortuous route.

Uncle Chen even arranged for a security guard in there waiting for me ... turned a radiator faction members!

The security guard called Dusk. Dusk belongs anyway centuries faction has been stationed on the Great Wall, protection from external Pandaria the enemy - such as mantis Demon - violation. He dressed anyway and I've seen the other faction members no difference: the light armor Body armor, big hat hid their eyes Hongjin cladding. Dusk did not talk much, but rare to say the words are very interesting. He said that every stone on the walls have a story to tell anyway to send the guards how to defeat the invading enemy, and even sacrificed their lives for this sacred guard duties.

Southbound along the wall all the way to unexpected downpour. But the wall is not stagnant water rain down the stones downstream along the clever structures formed outside of the walls of thousands of trickle really intricate. I noticed Dusk look a bit strange, he observed from time to time with the west side of the Great Wall, as if this is his second nature. In the walls there is a vast land called mantis plateau. Rugged rocky hills everywhere with huge trees (named Kepa sacred tree), some trees appear to be nearly as high and Beaulieu ridge.

TownLong steppes environment is very harsh, bison people living there. Dawned told me, in previous years, when you stand the Great Wall Shangchao west overlooking, you can see those long-haired fluffy nomads wandering in the hills between formed a great team. Today, however, these areas seem to have been abandoned. Vultures circling in the sky, and from time to time to skirted who smoke billowed from the wreckage of the camp.

The shadow of the war TownLong steppes. Initially mantis demon invasion plateau, bison man then fled into the Kun-Lai Summit, and began to attack the panda villages. Subject to the influence of the evil these Man was more savage than usual. Finally, Panda and their allies defeated the bison.

"I do not hate the bison," Dusk said: "for the protection of Pandaria anyway to send only the necessary things. Feelings is not a necessary thing. Trained, we learn to control the feelings, rather than controlled by feelings but do not worry about the little guy, those bison is tenacious survival, tough part of their culture, the most important thing is, I hope that this series of events from the past to have learned. "

Along the way, then dawned a gossip did not say. Or I needed to be alone to think about what he said. The thought of the terrible acts of bison once done in Kun-Lai Summit, I do have hope that they will be subject to appropriate punishment. Witnessed the scene TownLong steppes, I am a bit overwhelmed. I should be happy or sad?

Chen Shu guard tower in the south should be waiting for us. When we arrive, the rain finally relented, and sunny skies. Weather so my mood lifted, but I soon discovered that the Uncle Chen not in here. That this should be stationed in the tower anyway to send guards missing.

I have not had time to ask such question Dusk mantis demon's attacks began.

Those bugs have been entrenched in the Dragon's Ridge outside waiting for us. Dozens mantis demon suddenly jumped into the wall, quickly surrounded us. They blocked the north, south and east, I dawned pushed back against the edge of the Great Wall TownLong steppes. In the valley of four winds, I have fought mantis demon, but to face them again, my mood is not so easily. Weird tentacles and palate, there is a paper-thin worm wing all made me feel scalp tingling.

Dusk with his spear stabbed to death a few bugs. Thrusting, parry, dodge, his one and seems to be seen through the early mantis demon's every move. I jump in front of you want to help him, but that he had stopped behind.

The guard tower possession of our supply box, "he said calmly, while brandishing a spear to the side of a few mantis demon Liaodao. "To find a stone engraved with the Tiger emblem that is anyway to send the coat of arms. Away stones, the rope inside out."

I find a stone at his feet, and then pry open my Buddhist monk's staff it. Stone was hid under a supply box: inside a few packs of dry food, there is a thick rope. The dawned side resist mantis demon side commanded rope caps to his waist and another head thrown outside the walls.

Then he told me along the rope to climb down.

I'm a little scared. Dragon's Ridge along the rope to climb down the towering Not really, but the other end of the rope tied to a mantis demon encircled Panda people, things become not the same. Moreover, even if I live to the ground, who know what is waiting for me below? Reminds me of Uncle Chen wrote to my secret letter: Lili, no matter what happens, do not go to the Great Wall outside! Great Wall outside, dangerous and unpredictable.

Not only that, the leave terrible dawned, a feeling of escape. But what else can I do? He is anyway to send high-level monks, he knew what he was doing. If I wanted to earn his respect, he must obey the command.

So, I climbed down the wall. I can hear the sound of fighting above dawned spears and mantis demon Bingjia phase issued sharp percussion. I extremely hope he stuck his head out to tell me that the fight was over. But he did not.

I'm going to hit the ground, the rope suddenly came loose. Someone cut the rope. I fell down, fall into the growth of a cluster of shrubs of the Great Wall. I stay in the bush motionless am frightened, until it finally dawned stretched out on the wall in his head at me screaming, I finally took a breath.

But I really too far apart, simply could not hear him shouting something. I guess he packed up all the mantis demon, but the last one before the bugs breathed cut the rope. He pointed to the south, and kept waving arms, as if to explain to me what. He is a super monks (probably one of the strongest I've ever seen), but he did not let the gesture becomes easy to understand. I fully understand that, to stay in place is definitely not a good idea. The rope has broken, you want to crawl back into the walls is impossible. But is likely to have more bugs ambush around, waiting for initiating the next wave of attack.

To ground, I have a new understanding of the dangers of TownLong steppes. Weeds on the ground feels unusually cold, clear blue sky obscured by thick black clouds the dull thunder come and go. Hills and boulders are beasts perfect hiding place, you never know when there will be a man-eating monster to jump out.

But I am most worried about, or Uncle Chen. Where is he? Why he did not appear at the appointed place? He must not forget our agreement. Little worried that flashed through my mind, is it mantis demon? But then I thought, Uncle Chen and skill, and how will these insects trapped.

I decided to go to the south of Dread Wastes, give it a try can find yourself sunset Wine Shop go. I want to live in the Wine Shop the Panda people should know Uncle Chen what happened, or where he had gone to children.

I know it will be a dangerous journey, but at the moment I'm standing in the foothills of the Dragon's Ridge seems to be no other choice.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mysterious furnace new recipe

Guild Wars 2 game update in the 15th addition to the many ways you can get beyond the normal pink ring

General pink ring also upgraded formula

This upgrade recipe I believe we all know:

Any ascended ring x 1

Vial of Condensed Mists Essence x 5

Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence x 3

Shard of Crystalized Mists Essence x 1

We all know that 18 the FotM not fall any further material Shard of the Crystalized Mists Essence 's below

Believe this is really for people who want to upgrade Ring headache

You have to be a waste of time reluctantly playing low FotM really having a hard time

In 20 presumably Shard, you often have to play a bunch of

But could Vial and Glob quantity can not be upgraded enough so

But Anet was substituted into the so-called "downgrade recipe

Downgrade recipe pink material reduced order into a low-level material x3

With this recipe you can become the Shard Vial and Glob!  GW2 gold

Here is the recipe:

Shard x 1 -> Glob x 3:

Shard of Crystalized Mists Essence x 1

Master's Salvaged Kit x ??1

Mystic Coin x 1

Fractal Relics x 1

From Glob x 1 - Vial x 3

Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence x 1

Master's Salvaged Kit x 1

Mystic Coin x 1

Fractal Relics x 1

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" features activities, to make the game more culture and entertainment

When the players in PvE taste of the magnificent, magnificent epic story; in structured PvP experience competitive confrontation happy; to feel heroic conquer new territories in WvW; each of the main city but do not forget to go back occasionally relieve , and play relaxing mini-games, and participate in a variety of special activities, so that the game of life more colorful.

Mini Game is the first to propose the concept of the game for casual players in the autonomous city better feel the racial characteristics of the game's charm. Later, this concept is constantly rich, into a series of specialty Activity is presented in front of the player. Most of the activities, you can invite your friends to join in the games provide entertainment for gathering with friends.

Guild Wars 2 world known plans to launch more than 30 kinds of activities (although there is not so much part of the unfinished), evenly distributed in the the major main city and surrounding areas, cleverly combined with the cultural background of the game together, challenging and fun.

You can team up to join the tall the Norn people throwing kegs contest (similar to basketball games)

A test can also intelligent Asura who Golem better control (similar to the board game)

You can also let the the chalcone to teach you the alternative posture car even try one lion the arches bet a moa race to try their luck.

Envy Diving athlete in the Olympic Games? The Lions Arch jumping, you can put a difficult posture.

If you are a literary people, demand their favorite songs to your beloved one can go to the human jukebox of the main city.

A bad mood? As a place to vent, go to a particular bar a big! Dry bar brawl turned others, instant digestion hearts of the negative energy.

There are more activities to be developed, and more fun is worth for you to explore. This all reflects the sincerity and creativity of game makers. Future, perhaps, you can also experience the game to the paintball combat; carefully collecting small pets, they might also come in handy (the suspected small pet ring but currently unavailable).

We have introduced before Halloween to see some strange and lovely incarnations Fashion Battle Features activities, terrorist skull witch riding a broom, the full reality of cultural projection. Upcoming Winter Veil, you can also snowball fights, choral carols, festive activities will be constantly updated to bring players more surprises.

At the event, the players of any level will equal participation and reward equally with the other game, such as some of the special weapons and equipment appearance. For those struggling to kill the monster brush equipment and full idle gamers a new experience the game. So, so what, come and join the game enjoyable experience!  Guild Wars 2 gold