Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Environmental weapons with picking up

Environmental weapons, weapons from the environment. Environmental weapons in "Guild Wars 2", players will be able to use the the corresponding environmental weapons skills, and appropriate use of environmental weapons will allow players in a dominant position. Environmental weapons generally easily damaged or limited duration, and if thrown out, you may not be able to get it back.

Players in the map of "Guild Wars 2" will come into contact with a lot of environmental weapons can be utilized, including a variety of items can be used. Some siege weapons can be used, while others are for temporary use, such as wood. There are, for example, rabbits, not weapons in the strict sense, but there will be the same with weapons useless. Environmental methods of weapons, including the seizure of the elements to make the call of the engineer's tool skills, the banner of the soldiers, NPC give thieves stealing, and even occupied. Some environmental weapons can be created by certain skills, some are designed to complete the special target.

Whenever you get the environmental weapons, environmental weapon will replace your original weapons, one to five skills will replace your original weapons skills. For example, you operate a fort, then you will have the ability to change the fort direction and so fort fired. The Only once Hazmat suit, when you use this equipment, you will control a blood two thousand high Lun players can even buy Kama value, when zero of high Lun blood, you will are forced to leave, you can also take the initiative to use the leave skills. Not all environmental weapons are so complex, some only waving, some can only be thrown out, or can also retrieve and then thrown.  Guild Wars 2 gold

Different class using the same environmental weapons can have different effects, such as the elements throw a head element stones may lead to a burst of meteorite shower.

Monsters can also be used in some cases environmental weapons. Take a giant monster, giant sword thrown at the player, and then generate a file named "Giant Sword environmental weapons, the Giants can pick up this sword attacks. Of course, smart players will be the first to pick up the sword attack.

The same time, the special class can also produce their own environmental weapons, such as to Frost Bow to Frost Bow the element enables summon magic, Frost summoned to create an environment of weapons, has five powerful skills, can release a total of 15 skills.

It can be said, in "Guild Wars 2" the environmental weapons everywhere, roadside tile can also be your weapon to winning.

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