Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" not so good, media cited the game's five largest defects

Guild Wars 2 September this year after the sale operations in Europe and North America, won the praise of many media outlets, the majority of the media is rated as the best online games of the year 2012, the famous American Time magazine as annual Top 10 TV games first. And it's not just the media side of the story, most players do think that many of the details in the game is very sincere, from the artistic creation of the game, the game mechanics, to the flexibility of the game. Of course, each game has its drawbacks at even the "Guild Wars 2" is no exception. Recently, the foreign one game media will "Guild Wars 2" exist some shortcomings enumerated out.

· Role description is not detailed enough, lack novice navigation

The character creation process is very gorgeous game character editor, players can create any shape in accordance with their own imagination game characters. But when the players joy into the game, they will know what to do. The role is very beautiful, I want to, but I can do it in the game? Very confused. I figure the talent for which weapons? I do not know. Which treatment skills more suitable for me? I do not know. If I want to increase the DPS, my talent should be alike better, or single repair a good? Unclear.

Novice players entering the game, you need some basic guidelines to tell which direction development is correct. Rather than to the full level than their own several times higher DPS of other players in the same career did he realize, under a copy to team up with other players.

Dynamic events will not achieve the role of alternative tasks

Experienced dynamic event for the first time, will feel very exciting, very shocked. But if you experienced a dynamic event once or several times, then lost the first freshness. Especially when you want to end the last several tasks in an area, in order to achieve the level of demand to enter the next area, dynamic event has occurred. At this time, your situation will be very embarrassing, to do or not do? After you have experienced the dynamic event, so again completed will not reward you with experience. If not, you but need to wait a long time until the event ends.

Furthermore, some dynamic event trigger condition is really tangled. Either need to complete a series of tasks in order to trigger, or the need to reach the upper limit in the number of triggers. If you can not meet these two conditions, and some dynamic event, from start to finish are not experienced. Do not is that you suddenly found a dynamic event is taking place, so you rush to the fastest to occur, but when you feel the scene, the incident has ended. This feel very helpless.

· Upgrade regional flow problems

Other online games, such as "World of Warcraft" When you finish all the tasks of a region, you have to upgrade the area, down to a level higher backdrop At the same time, you can also enter this area should reach the required level. "Guild Wars 2" in the case, is not the same. Even if you reach 50, you come back to a level 10 upgrade the area, you can still run into challenges drywall experience rewards. Some players will say, this is not nice? When I rose to 30, and then enter the Level 20 regional upgrade, would become very simple? This is indeed the case. But this time will we face another situation, which is equipped to keep up with level your worn equipment level is always low. When you reach the full level, you may find that the equipment is still stuck in the 40's era. To exchange equipment karma (for reward) and equipment merchant segment in every corner of the world. You need to go to a different level of regional collection karma, and find the corresponding businessman, in exchange to match with the level of equipment. In short, "Guild Wars 2", the lack of a better power to stimulate the players to migrate to a different region of the upgrade.

· Background story is not convincing.

The game media abroad more than once pointed out, "the story of Guild Wars 2" show the way poor, caused partly because of this situation is due to some good game dubbing fragment, some bad. Without a good part of the drag on the overall voice level.

In addition, the characters rich enough emotional expression of some unexpected narrative process. You can each do 10 tasks, the main quest story content will be changed greatly, close enough contact between before and after. The task process always emerged the new faces NPC, rather than a fixed faces are already familiar with the NPC around you. This will make you feel even NPC are dead, you will not have any emotional upheaval.     guild wars 2 gold

·Handicraft system extremely confusing

"Guild Wars 2" arts and crafts can be said, is a collection of handicraft system in "Final Fantasy 14" before the revision shortcomings and mistakes. Let's say you need to do a needed items before you get finished, you have to get 4,5 other transition items recipe, then this 4,5 items do, in order to meet the synthesis of these the condition of the items. At this time, however, the most serious problems emerge, "Guild Wars 2" crafts system the final synthesis process is random, the ability to synthesize the items you want to see the luck.

"World of Warcraft", for instance, to produce low-grade goods, can more or less get some upgrade experience. "Guild Wars 2", however, the production level is 20 or lower-level items, is unlikely to let your skills rose from 21 to 22.     GW2 gold cheap

In addition, the same with the "World of Warcraft" and "Final Fantasy 14" handicraft system, the handicraft system in Guild Wars 2 per liter level, you have to produce a very large number of items, many of whom are a lot of rubbish and useless objects, The overall upgrade process is only the latter than the former two and even longer, more costly.

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