Friday, December 21, 2012

Official serialized "Lily's Travel Diary 10": TownLong steppes

I heard a story, said that hundreds of millions of stones built Dragon's Ridge.

Exactly. Hundreds of millions.

I thought this is just insane and crazy language, but when I personally stand on the top of the Great Wall, and witnessed by the majesty of this huge city walls, I have come to believe that part of the legend. Dragon's Ridge extends from north to south is like a winding serpent, shuttling between the peaks and ridges, until the head beyond the other side. Great Wall on top very wide, even if a good few the oxcart parallel through time, plump the Pandaren can also walk through unimpeded. Some of the walls see recent repairs, building stone is cut flat and smooth. By comparison, the old city walls seem old and rough, the nature of baptism and the old war has left scars of years on these stones.

I have a dream come true board the Dragon's Ridge recall came here to spend time and effort all worthwhile. According to Chen Shushu arrangements, a refined messenger called the land of fish tail with my left Kunle mountain through a guard tower. When we finally landed on the wall, I suddenly understood the care and thought the Uncle Chen arrange this tortuous route.

Uncle Chen even arranged for a security guard in there waiting for me ... turned a radiator faction members!

The security guard called Dusk. Dusk belongs anyway centuries faction has been stationed on the Great Wall, protection from external Pandaria the enemy - such as mantis Demon - violation. He dressed anyway and I've seen the other faction members no difference: the light armor Body armor, big hat hid their eyes Hongjin cladding. Dusk did not talk much, but rare to say the words are very interesting. He said that every stone on the walls have a story to tell anyway to send the guards how to defeat the invading enemy, and even sacrificed their lives for this sacred guard duties.

Southbound along the wall all the way to unexpected downpour. But the wall is not stagnant water rain down the stones downstream along the clever structures formed outside of the walls of thousands of trickle really intricate. I noticed Dusk look a bit strange, he observed from time to time with the west side of the Great Wall, as if this is his second nature. In the walls there is a vast land called mantis plateau. Rugged rocky hills everywhere with huge trees (named Kepa sacred tree), some trees appear to be nearly as high and Beaulieu ridge.

TownLong steppes environment is very harsh, bison people living there. Dawned told me, in previous years, when you stand the Great Wall Shangchao west overlooking, you can see those long-haired fluffy nomads wandering in the hills between formed a great team. Today, however, these areas seem to have been abandoned. Vultures circling in the sky, and from time to time to skirted who smoke billowed from the wreckage of the camp.

The shadow of the war TownLong steppes. Initially mantis demon invasion plateau, bison man then fled into the Kun-Lai Summit, and began to attack the panda villages. Subject to the influence of the evil these Man was more savage than usual. Finally, Panda and their allies defeated the bison.

"I do not hate the bison," Dusk said: "for the protection of Pandaria anyway to send only the necessary things. Feelings is not a necessary thing. Trained, we learn to control the feelings, rather than controlled by feelings but do not worry about the little guy, those bison is tenacious survival, tough part of their culture, the most important thing is, I hope that this series of events from the past to have learned. "

Along the way, then dawned a gossip did not say. Or I needed to be alone to think about what he said. The thought of the terrible acts of bison once done in Kun-Lai Summit, I do have hope that they will be subject to appropriate punishment. Witnessed the scene TownLong steppes, I am a bit overwhelmed. I should be happy or sad?

Chen Shu guard tower in the south should be waiting for us. When we arrive, the rain finally relented, and sunny skies. Weather so my mood lifted, but I soon discovered that the Uncle Chen not in here. That this should be stationed in the tower anyway to send guards missing.

I have not had time to ask such question Dusk mantis demon's attacks began.

Those bugs have been entrenched in the Dragon's Ridge outside waiting for us. Dozens mantis demon suddenly jumped into the wall, quickly surrounded us. They blocked the north, south and east, I dawned pushed back against the edge of the Great Wall TownLong steppes. In the valley of four winds, I have fought mantis demon, but to face them again, my mood is not so easily. Weird tentacles and palate, there is a paper-thin worm wing all made me feel scalp tingling.

Dusk with his spear stabbed to death a few bugs. Thrusting, parry, dodge, his one and seems to be seen through the early mantis demon's every move. I jump in front of you want to help him, but that he had stopped behind.

The guard tower possession of our supply box, "he said calmly, while brandishing a spear to the side of a few mantis demon Liaodao. "To find a stone engraved with the Tiger emblem that is anyway to send the coat of arms. Away stones, the rope inside out."

I find a stone at his feet, and then pry open my Buddhist monk's staff it. Stone was hid under a supply box: inside a few packs of dry food, there is a thick rope. The dawned side resist mantis demon side commanded rope caps to his waist and another head thrown outside the walls.

Then he told me along the rope to climb down.

I'm a little scared. Dragon's Ridge along the rope to climb down the towering Not really, but the other end of the rope tied to a mantis demon encircled Panda people, things become not the same. Moreover, even if I live to the ground, who know what is waiting for me below? Reminds me of Uncle Chen wrote to my secret letter: Lili, no matter what happens, do not go to the Great Wall outside! Great Wall outside, dangerous and unpredictable.

Not only that, the leave terrible dawned, a feeling of escape. But what else can I do? He is anyway to send high-level monks, he knew what he was doing. If I wanted to earn his respect, he must obey the command.

So, I climbed down the wall. I can hear the sound of fighting above dawned spears and mantis demon Bingjia phase issued sharp percussion. I extremely hope he stuck his head out to tell me that the fight was over. But he did not.

I'm going to hit the ground, the rope suddenly came loose. Someone cut the rope. I fell down, fall into the growth of a cluster of shrubs of the Great Wall. I stay in the bush motionless am frightened, until it finally dawned stretched out on the wall in his head at me screaming, I finally took a breath.

But I really too far apart, simply could not hear him shouting something. I guess he packed up all the mantis demon, but the last one before the bugs breathed cut the rope. He pointed to the south, and kept waving arms, as if to explain to me what. He is a super monks (probably one of the strongest I've ever seen), but he did not let the gesture becomes easy to understand. I fully understand that, to stay in place is definitely not a good idea. The rope has broken, you want to crawl back into the walls is impossible. But is likely to have more bugs ambush around, waiting for initiating the next wave of attack.

To ground, I have a new understanding of the dangers of TownLong steppes. Weeds on the ground feels unusually cold, clear blue sky obscured by thick black clouds the dull thunder come and go. Hills and boulders are beasts perfect hiding place, you never know when there will be a man-eating monster to jump out.

But I am most worried about, or Uncle Chen. Where is he? Why he did not appear at the appointed place? He must not forget our agreement. Little worried that flashed through my mind, is it mantis demon? But then I thought, Uncle Chen and skill, and how will these insects trapped.

I decided to go to the south of Dread Wastes, give it a try can find yourself sunset Wine Shop go. I want to live in the Wine Shop the Panda people should know Uncle Chen what happened, or where he had gone to children.

I know it will be a dangerous journey, but at the moment I'm standing in the foothills of the Dragon's Ridge seems to be no other choice.

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