Friday, December 7, 2012

The 0.8.2 TOGII reproduction of the Empire Royal hegemony

The First World War, due to the large-scale use of machine guns, assault soldiers become meaningless suicide. Battlefield combat becomes a "trench warfare". For restraint machine guns the advantage, breaking the deadlock in the battlefield. In 1915, the British navy minister Winston? Churchill (British Prime Minister) accepted a new weapon design Colonel Swinton, secretly funded the establishment of the "land battleship Committee", began the development and production of the British series tanks.

Since the The British series tanks birth specializes in naval warfare in the British Empire, the beginning designed tanks like the sea in the battleship, this research and development has led to the the early British series tanks as if a whole body prickle of porcupines. Huge ship body sides, a variety of light and heavy weapons and everything, to specifically deal with bunkers and machine gun positions howitzers to the rapid destruction of enemy infantry machine gun. Design in actual combat some of the problems: can not form a full range firepower while also greatly affect the whole car comprehensive protection force and machine power. For this unfavorable situation, the future of the British series tanks are no longer taken the land battleship design style, and instead embarked on a road of independent R & D 360 degree turret tanks.

Tanks the world "TOGII appearance, players can see the tank is still with the" land battleship "design style. Rely on both sides of the front of the tank body, each designed an artillery emplacements. However, the view from the era of the first one kind of car this tank (1941), "land battleship" style has long confrontation with 360-degree rotation independent turret tanks on the battlefield with the same period, so the combination was the needs of the war with the existing technology, TOGII tanks became heavy tank has a 360-degree turret, but to maintain the style of the "land battleships". Of course, compared to the same period of the tanks, TOGII or comprehensive ability seems significantly behind, so it ultimately did not mass production.

History TOGII although nothing battlefield performance, but in the 0.8.2 version of "World of Tanks", TOGII dragging the body of steel barriers, six heavy tanks appear in the fiery battle. According to test data, TOGII has nearly doubled the value of life higher than comparable heavy tank, carrying seven high penetration gun, the only downside is the maximum speed of the less fortunate. The pre-sale of this subsection tanks upcoming Special Mall, want better seize the rare opportunity to experience the "land battleship" style players the version formally launched immediately.

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