Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Instantly reborn, "Guild Wars 2" skills challenge your bones

"Guild Wars 2" skills acquisition is not determined by the level or proficiency values? but by a special skills challenge mode to get skill points, skill points to open the skills you want to use. Huge the skills system support allows you to choose a completely different skill sets to meet the needs of different fighting environments.

Guild Wars 2 "skills divided into four skill bar skills determined by the weapon were to occupy the top five, the first three primary weapons skills, the latter two secondary skills, the sixth treatment skills, seven hundred eighty-nine three skill bar is universal, that these skills need skill points to activate, these skills can decide a career major attack, battlefield positioning.  Guild Wars 2 gold

Last skill Rare skills, is relatively more powerful CD time longer skills also need skill points to open.

Want to get skill points to reach the first place of the map identifies the blue arrow to access the skills challenge task, this task is generally a strong challenge to the monster, victory can get skill points.  GW2 gold

This challenge mode on the one hand can enhance your skill points to use targeted destination to learn the skills they most want, on the other hand can enhance your map exploration, adventure learning correct, explore gradually enhance their strength.

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