Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guild Wars 2 thieves recently used copy plus points

The melee weapons are daggers + gun, double dagger rotation with ... the remote or aoe occasions I still like Shortbow ..

The double dagger hit the boss, there is fight other blood more than fighting all sorts of things for a long time, there is not blind the Burrowers people ...... sometimes forget to change weapons with this gun fight Burrowers fact also okay .... Burrowers people that hate the drill ground knockdown skill is, after all, can be shot to its breaking ...

Clothes is a PTV, plus PPC weapons and jewelry, general orange, in addition to scuba ... novice loaded

The character pattern is to extend the duration of the Rage, Fury attacks probability Fury, and Fury gained additional critical damage ... actually doing in Fury can get 15% critical damage .....

Main hand dagger with the sigil of Air ...... deputies want to fight the fire ... Unfortunately, no money .. So broke a perception with the ... If you have the money to buy bloodlust very good .. The .... Shortbow also air .....

Feature is 0/25/30/0/15

Line 2 (I) Furious Retaliation, below the goal of 50% HP Fury 10 seconds, 45 seconds cd

(VI) Practiced Tolerance, 5% precision into Vat ...... my equipment is probably more 800HP ...

Line 3 (V) Infusion of Shadow, the stealth initiative point 2

(IV) Shadow's Enbrace, sneak in every 3 seconds to remove a symptom

(XI) Shadow What's a Rejuvenation sneak back to life (even though they play, still can not abandon this)

5 line out (V) Thrill of the Crime, theft get teams Fury, Might, Swiftness, 10 seconds

Guild Wars 2 thieves copy of the utility build and battle ideas

Use ideas or skills have not changed, just more diverse ...

Blinding powder, this skill buff, so more useless copy ... I often use this skill + Refuge constitutes double stealth ...... after all instantaneous really handy .....

Treatment skills are the rotation with the boss battle in most cases or

Shadowmeld, this skill is more reliable ... especially in this set of characteristics, a Shadowmeld can pull about 9k blood ... very impressive .....

AoE or malicious heraldic no problem ...

There is also a therapeutic skills

Evacuation, the need for a wide range of running boss is very easy to use ... can be used when the displacement of a short cd skills to use, and the way to increase blood ....... like Burrowers people boss ... .. such as Marsh ran the ball ....... especially swamp over there, this skill can also Xie given body and maimed ...


In fact, a copy of this post say is particularly like double dagger backstab thief play ....... and the knife will be the outcome of pvp backstab thief, pve is a long process of fighting need a stable and reliable output .......

Set of equipment and features, first of all, really long time coverage fury, especially if a teammate to help, basic completely covered .....

Then, the specific tactics ,5-1, then hit a set of 1 3 even, 5-1, then time group 1 triple ... reveal just set combo suit ... plus feature support continuously playing five groups ...  GW2 gold

Do not underestimate brought this knife stealth effect but very, fighting Replies clear symptoms, plus might ..... actually 8 layers to maintain stable touch back output might reply fighting is also quite impressive Backstab not many .... crit ranging from 5k + many 7k + If you have to eat might food and grindstone, 8K + can storm out .....

To keep the active points do not fall into the 6 second line of 25 points, 10% bonus, or can not be discarded ....... basically slightly off a little initiative can steal look back a little initiative, also After stealing assurance cycle disorder premise for fury ...... try card cd ......

AOE approach changed ..... still other malicious heraldic lost Barrages dagger storm discharge smoke outside the wall, pulled out Shortbow 2 to target on their side step away, let the bomb When empty the explosion Zaisa go ..... average dps than not detonate slightly a little bit, the most important thing is to combat the number of segments, out to three rounds.    Guild Wars 2 gold

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