Monday, December 24, 2012

Q&A on December 19-20,cannon tier 10 plan completed

 - regarding the issue that when a slow tank gets its engine damaged, which might prevent it from actually returning to prevent capping in very hilly maps, such as the Dragon's ridge: "Don't go far from your base. Play according to the properties of your tank."

  - the amount of rocking over uneven surfaces in 8.2 is okay (it's known to developers, not a bug), it's not planned to introduce the option to switch it off. The "rocking" is server-calculated and it's not possible to remove it in sniper mode specifically,

  - Q: "How do I protect myself from idiots who push me?" A: "Don't play online games in general"

  - on the question whether there will be more "country" maps (with agriculture thematics, fields, orchards etc.): "Apple orchards can now be seen on the Lakesville map. With the corn it's worse. Did you look for the pumpkins on the Highway map? Oh and on Malinovka, the agricultural theme is also normally introduced"

  - no "short term loans" of gold for credits are gonna be implemented

  - dead tanks (eg. players in post-mortem mode) have zero spotting ability - when dead, you only see what your teammates see

  - the M10 Panther armored sheets (the ones that make the Panther look like the M10) have 0 thickness in game (eg. no armor at all), because in real life, they weren't made of armor steel

  - German TD Nashorn in the 1st half of 2013? "Read the first post of this thread" (SS: equals "no comment")

  - Q: "I'd like the ignore list to be extended, do you have that in your plans?" A: "I'd like the players to read the previous answers, do you have that in your plans?" (SS: the answer is still "no")

  - tanks are renamed "for the sake of realism and preception" (eg. so the names are easier to read and recognize), the renaming will stop "when it's done"

  - it's possible the option to select the displayed camo for a tank in the hangar will be introduced (if the tank has more camo schemes bought)

  - regarding the bigger maps (with 30v30 teams) in developmentit's not yet decided whether the teams will be really 30v30

  - the frontal thin part of the hull of the AT-15 with cca 20 degrees angle (the part on which the transport fixture for the gun is situated) is 76,2mm thick

The prolonging of the arty branches to tier 10 is already planned (and we count on the fact that it should help nicely). However, because there are vehicles that we have almost

  no info about and because we have to write converters for tier to tier tank transfers, it's not as simple as it would seem. I think we can do it by summer. And until then, there will be arty nerfs and limits on the arty matchmaker. First there will be the MM limit and then there will be nerfs, because testing of the vehicles takes a long time. Currently the changes of the arty matchmaker are being worked on and tested. Details will come later with an announcement.

  Q: "Does that mean there will be a hardcap?"

  A: "With the introduction of the temporary (balance changes) technology, we'll rebalance everything. I think that's understandeable."

  Q: "So, if this rebalance works, there won't be a nerf?"

  A: "There will be a nerf. It's already planned"

  - Q: when will the tanks thrown out of the ingame shop be available back for buying? A: I can't answer that.

  - Q: Players want everything(golden) for credits: premium account, premium tanks, consumablesm, A: Won't be implemented

  - 7 vs 7 companies are in development

  - there won't be a statistics reset for gold

  - arty tier 9-10 expansion: scheduled for the mid 2013, otherwise when it's done it's done

  - there will be a hardcap of 2-5 arties per team, the superfluous arty will be queued, there is a nerf coming for arties in one of the following patches - (the plan is that) there will be less arty in hightier battles, more in mid tiers.

  - there will be some physics improvement (when it's done it's done), namely: turret flying off, tank being able to be tipped over, independend suspension, more spectacular destruction of buildings and objects

  - Komarin and Swamp will return next year, Pacific coast will be reworked,

- 30v30 battles not next year

  - Soviet Georgian, Estonian, Kyrgistan crews: when it's done it's done

  - Chinese TD's and arty: it's being researched, ETA - possibly the end of next year

  - the order of introduction (without the dates): Chinese, British TD's, Leopard 1 and its med branch

  - Assault mode was switched off by a LOT of people, the meeting engagement by cca 5 percent. There will be garage battles and historical battles, but so far only the concept is developed

  - there will be no Sturmtiger in 2013

  - after the Chinese, the sounds of shell impact on tank will be reworked

  - World of Warships is looking very good

Guild Wars 2 gold buying

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